Below is a list of available services on the main island of Okinawa, Japan. Any service or request not identified below, or outside the travel area can be quoted by providing a detailed request by email.
All services are provided by GSA Certified Safe and Vault Technicians trained by Lockmasters Security Institute.
GSA Security Container
1 Drawer Container
2 Drawer Container
4 Drawer Container
5 Drawer Container
Map & Plan Container
Vault Door
An additional charge for each additional lock installed on a GSA Security Container
Information Processing System (IPS)
Installation of Authorized Lock on GSA Container (Vault Door)
Combination Change
GSA Security Container Forced Entry
Drill Red Label Security Container
Cut Control Drawer Bolts
Drill Black Label Security Container
Repair Drilled Container
Replace Control Drawer Head
high pressure air compressors
Bauer Compressors, and A.S.S.E.T. (Association of Scuba Service Engineers & Technicians) certified technicians
SCUBA/SCBA Compressor Maintenance and Repair
Nitrox and High-Pressure Compressed Air Systems Service
Haskel Booster Maintenance & Repair, Oxygen Service
Diving Equipment Maintenance & Repair, Kirby Morgan 18 and 37 Helmets